After School Soccer League: 2nd & 3rd

  AS25002-Loon Lake
  4/12/2025 - 6/7/2025
  Loon Lake Elementary

CLICK HERE to be added to the Waitlist


No Games 4/19, 5/24


After School Soccer is an instructional league to understand teamwork and develop skills. This program consists of 7-8 weekly after school practices (4:00pm-5:15pm), 1 instructional soccer clinic, and 6 games.

Teams will practice once per week immediately after school (at their home school). The day of the week for practice will be chosen by the volunteer coach. Games will take place on Saturdays at Commerce Elementary. The first Saturday will consist of a one-hour clinic run by Walled Lake Community Education and our volunteer coaches. The remaining six Saturdays will consist of one-hour games. Players will receive a jersey for participating. *Background information, clearance and concussion training is mandatory for all volunteer coaches*

Equipment Required: Black athletic shorts, shin guards, cleats, water bottle.

Please Note: Teams MUST have a minimum of 6 students and 1 volunteer coach in order to participate. Teams that do not have a minimum of 6 students and/or 1 volunteer coach by 3/31 will be CANCLED and refunded.