Roadmap to Retirement

  Community Ed Fall 2018
  6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
  Walled Lake Elementary:Media Center
  Mike Bink

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Do you wonder how much you should be saving for retirement, or what investments to select for your 401K? Ready to retire, but not sure you ve saved enough? Wondering when to begin collecting social security or what to do about retirement accounts from old jobs? If you have ever asked yourself these or similar questions about your retirement, this class is for you! For most of us, the transition from working to retirement will be one of the biggest transitions in our lives, both personally and financially; and the definition of retirement continues to change. The sooner you become educated about retirement planning, the more prepared you will be to make informed financial decisions and build the wealth you will need. This course will help you to gain a clear picture of the retirement you want, understand your 401K, IRA or other savings vehicles available to you, and calculate how much you will need to save to reach your goals.